
Selection of some of the relevant legislation in the field of employment


Law no. 7/2009, of 12 February – Approves the revision of the Labour Code

Rectification Statement no. 21/2009, of 18 March – Rectifies Law no. 7/2009, of 12 February, which approves the revision of the Labour Code


Law no. 105/2009, of 14 September – Regulates and amends the Labour Code, approved by Law No. 7/2009, of 12 February and proceeds to the first amendment of Law 4/2008, of 7 February

Law no. 53/2011, of 14 October – Proceeds the second amendment to the Labour Code

Law no. 23/2012, of 25 June – Proceeds the third amendment to the Labour Code

Rectification Statement no. 38/2012, of 23 July – Amends Law No. 23/2012, of 25 June

Law no. 47/2012, of 29 August – Proceeds the fourth amendment to the Labour Code

Law no. 69/2013, of 30 August – Proceeds the fifth amendment to the Labour Code

Law no. 27/2014, of 8 May – Proceeds the sixth amendment to the Labour Code

Law no. 55/2014, of 25 August – Proceed to the seventh amendment to the Labour Code

Law no. 28/2015, of 14 April – Includes gender identity within the scope of the right to equality in access to employment and work, making the eighth amendment to the Labour Code

Law no. 120/2015, of 1 September – Proceeds the ninth amendment to the Labour Code

Law no. 8/2016, of April 1 – Proceeds the tenth amendment to the Labour Code

Law no. 28/2016, of 23 August – Fights modern forms of forced labour, making the eleventh amendment to the Labour Code

Law no. 73/2017, of 16 August – Reinforces the legislative framework for the prevention of harassment by making the twelfth amendment to the Labour Code

Rectification Statement No. 28/2017, of 2 October – Rectification Statement to Law no. 73/2017, of 16 August

Law no. 14/2018, of 19 March – Modifies the legal regime applicable to the transfer of a company or establishment and reinforces workers’ rights, making the thirteenth amendment to the Labour Code

Law no. 90/2019, of 4 September – Strengthens protection in parenting, amending the Labour Code, approved by Law no. 7/2009, of 12 February

Law no. 93/2019, of 4 September – Amends the Labour Code, approved by Law no. 7/2009, of 12 February, and respective regulations


  • Work accidents

Law No. 98/2009, of 4 September – Legal Regime of Accidents at Work

Decree-Law no. 142/99, of 30 April – Creates the Occupational Accident Fund provided for in article 39 of Law no. 100/97, of 13 September

Decree-Law no. 352/2007, of 23 October – approves the new National Table of Disabilities due to Work Accidents and Occupational Diseases and approves the Indicative Table for the Evaluation of Disability in Civil Law

Ordinance no. 256/2011, of 5 July – Approves the uniform part of the general conditions of the mandatory insurance policy for accidents at work for employees, as well as the respective uniform special conditions.

Decree-Law no. 159/99, of 11 May – regulates insurance against accidents at work for self-employed workers

Regulatory norm of the Insurance Institute of Portugal No. 3/2009-R, of 23 March, which approves the uniform part of the general conditions of the mandatory occupational accident insurance policy for self-employed workers.


  • Special employment contracts

Law no. 4/2008, of 7 February – Regime of employment contracts for show professionals

Decree-Law no. 235/92, of 24 October – Establishes the legal framework for employment relationships arising from the domestic service contract

Law no. 54/2017, of 14 July – Legal regime for the sportsman’s employment contract, the sports training contract and the representation or intermediation contract.

Law no. 15/97, of 31 May – Establishes the legal regime for individual employment contracts on board fishing vessels

Law no. 146/2015, of 9 September – Regulates the activity of seafarers on board ships flying the Portuguese flag

Decree-Law no. 280/93, of 13 August – Establishes the legal framework for port work


  • Other relevant diplomas

Law no. 58/2019, of 8 August – Ensures the implementation, in the national legal order, of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the Parliament and of the Council, of 27 April 2016, on the protection of natural persons in the regards the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data.

Law no. 60/2018, of 21 August – Approves measures to promote equal pay for women and men for equal or equal work

Law no. 133/2015, of 7 September – Creates a mechanism for the protection of pregnant, postpartum and lactating workers

Law no. 63/2013, of 27 August – Institution of mechanisms to combat the misuse of the service provision contract in subordinate labour relations

Law no. 70/2013, of 30 August – Establishes the legal regimes for the work compensation fund, the equivalent mechanism and the work compensation guarantee fund

Decree-Law no. 259/2009, of 25 September – Regulates the legal regime of mandatory arbitration and the necessary arbitration, as well as the arbitration on minimum services during the strike and the means necessary to ensure them

Decree-Law no. 260/2009, of 25 September – Regulates the legal regime for the exercise and licensing of private placement agencies and temporary employment companies

Law no. 102/2009, of 10 September – Legal Regime for the Promotion of Safety and Health at Work

Law no. 101/2009, of 8 September – Legal regime for work at home

Law no. 96/2009, of 3 September – European Works Councils – Transposes Directive No. 2009/38 / EC of 6 May into the internal legal order.

Decree-Law no. 91/2009, of 9 April – Establishes the legal system of social protection in parenting within the scope of the social security system and in the solidarity subsystem

Decree-Law no. 220/2006, of 3 November – Establishes the legal regime for social protection in the event of unemployment among employees

Decree-Law no. 167-C / 2013, of 31 December – Approves the Organic Law of the Ministry of Labour and Social Solidarity and creates the Authority for Working Conditions

Ordinance no. 1100/2006, of 13 October – This Order regulates article 437 of Law no. 35/2004, of 29 July, establishing the fees of arbitrators and experts of the arbitral tribunal in the scope of mandatory arbitration

Decree-Law no. 480/99, of 9 November – Approves the Labour Process Code


  • Public Employment

Law No. 35/2014, of 20 June – General Law on Work in Public Functions

Law no. 12-A-2008, of 27 February – Establishes the regime for linking careers and remuneration of workers who exercise public functions

Law no. 2/2004, of 15 January – Approves the statute of the management personnel of the services and bodies of the central, regional and local government of the State

Law no. 4/2009, of 29 January – Defines social protection for workers who exercise public functions

Ordinance no. 125-A / 2019, of April 30 – Regulates the conduct of the tender procedure under the terms of paragraph 2 of article 37 of the General Law on Work in Public Functions

Decree-Law no. 503/99, of 20 November – Approves the new legal regime for accidents at work and occupational diseases within the scope of Public Administration

Ordinance no. 1553-C / 2008, of 31 December – Approves the single remuneration table for workers who exercise public functions

Law no. 25/2017, of 30 May – Approves the regime for the professional development of workers with public employment

Decree-Law no. 89/2009, of 9 April – Regulates protection in parenting, in the context of the possibility of maternity, paternity and adoption, of workers who exercise public functions as part of the convergent social protection regime


Covid-19 legislation can be consulted by subject area at https://dre.pt/legislacao-covid-19-por-areas-tematicas, a website that is constantly updated.


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