Luís Gonçalves da Silva/Cláudia Madaleno

Abstract / Resumo


This study is centred on the conciliation of work with family life in Portuguese Law. Several instruments of domestic and international law serve to achieve such conciliation.
The study includes an analysis of the international and European legal framework, looking in particular at the ILO Conventions and European Union directives.
In Portuguese internal law, the conciliation of work with family life is addressed in both the Constitution and the Labour Code. We consider in particular the various forms of leave provided for, as well as other situations of absence and time off established for family care, in addition to protection in the event of dismissal.
The article also analyses in detail the rules on work and employment, particularly with regard to adaptability, time banks, compressed working hours, overtime, night work and the scheduling of holiday leave.
The conciliation of work with family life can also entail different forms of working, including the use of part-time work and flexitime, home working or teleworking, which are also addressed in this study.
Our study of Portuguese law is complemented by a comparative analysis with the legal rules in force in Spain and France.
The article also analyses in detail the rules on work and employment, particularly with regard to adaptability, time banks, compressed working hours, overtime, night work and the scheduling of holiday leave.
The conciliation of work with family life can also entail different forms of working, including the use of part-time work and flexitime, home working or teleworking, which are also addressed in this study. Our study of Portuguese law is complemented by a comparative analysis with the legal rules in force in Spain and France.

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