Editorial Statutes of RIDT

I.     Introduction

The International Labour Law Review (RIDT) is a free-access electronic periodical publication with double-blind peer review, created and owned by the Labour Law Institute of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, within the scope of the Centre for Research in Private Law of the University of Lisbon.

II.     Objectives

RIDT pursues, with full independence, the following objectives:

  1. Promoting scientific research in the areas of Labour Law, Social Security and related areas;
  2. Promoting the deepening of scientific research in Portugal and abroad, through the publication of scientific articles especially focused on Labour Law or other areas of study with an impact in this branch of Law;
  3. Promoting the internationalization of the areas of study of RIDT, through the publication of scientific articles authored by foreign researchers, scientific articles that study foreign legal systems or that develop comparative legal research;
  4. Encouraging academic freedom of authors and scientific innovation;
  5. Disseminating knowledge of Labour Law, Social Security and related areas, bringing the academic community closer to the civil society.

III.     Scientific research

RIDT promotes scientific research by publishing original and unpublished papers, although previous published papers can be eligible for publication if they include updates or if the previous publication had low dissemination, in which case the author shall ensure permission from the publisher, if necessary, and mention the previous publication of the paper.

IV.     Peer review

  1. RIDT promotes research and dissemination of scientific articles of excellence, ensuring the technical accuracy of research through the implementation of a double-blind peer review system.
  1. RIDT ensures that the review of papers is carried out anonymously and with guarantees of impartiality, in accordance with the terms established in the regulations.

V.     Ethical principles

RIDT ensures the respect for the deontological principles and professional ethics of journalists, as well as for the good faith of readers, in accordance with the Journalists’ Code of Ethics and Readers’ Good Faith.

VI.     Publication

The publication of papers sent and reviewed will be subject to the approval of the Board, which may refuse to publish any paper, considering, notably, its originality, the topicality of the subject, the criteria which the review is based on (through double-blind peer review), the comments of the reviewers and any editorial constraints.

VII.     Organisational structure

  1. RIDT is composed of the following bodies: the Board and the Scientific Council.
  1. The Board is composed of five members: two Directors, an Assistant Director, a Secretary-General, and a Deputy Secretary-General, with the responsibilities set forth in the regulations.
  1. The Scientific Council is composed of personalities of recognized merit, namely, academics, magistrates, lawyers or professionals from other areas, with relevant academic, scientific or professional curriculum in the area of Law, in particular, Labour Law and related matters, with the responsibilities set forth in the regulations.
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